About Me

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was baptized when i was 10, married my husband a last year and gained two bonus daughters. I am greatly blessed to be their bonus mom. I am trying to be a good wife and mom while trying to live the best life the Lord has for me.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


One of my friends who went on a mission shared this as part of some lesson or just something to read leading up to Easter. I came across it in my email and thought it was well worth something to share. I was able to find a link for all but three of the talks. I apologize that i wasn't able to find all the talks and if the link doesn't work or if it goes to a different talk. Let me know if you are able to find a website that has any of the three talks i wasn't able to find or if any of the links do not work.

           Study Schedule on The Atonement of Jesus Christ 

Day 1 - “The Atonement: Our Greatest Hope,” President James E. Faust

Day 2 - “The Atonement,” Elder Russell M. Nelson 

Day 3 - “Testifying of the Great and Glorious Atonement,” Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Day 4 - “The Atonement of Jesus Christ,” Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Day 5 - “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles” (Ensign, April 2000)

Day 6 - Concluding remarks to Mission Presidents’ Seminar, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Day 7 - “Justification and Sanctification,” Elder D. Todd Christofferson (Ensign, June 2001)

Day 8 - “The Need of a Redeemer,” Jesus the Christ, chapter 3, Elder James E. Talmage

Day 9 - “The Atonement and Salvation,” Articles of Faith, chapter 4, Elder James E. Talmage

Day 10 - “Atonement of Christ,” Mormon Doctrine, Elder Bruce R. McConkie

Day 11 - “The Fall and Infinite Atonement,” Elder Spencer J. Condie and 1 Nephi 19:5-21
(https://www.lds.org/ensign/1996/01/the-fall-and-infinite-atonement?lang=eng and 1 Nephi 19:5-21)

Day 12 - 2 Nephi 2
(2 Nephi 2)

Day 13 - 2 Nephi 9
(2 Nephi 9)

Day 14 - 2 Nephi 31
(2 Nephi 31)

Day 15 - Mosiah 3
(Mosiah 3)

Day 16 - Mosiah 14-16
(Mosiah 14-16)

Day 17 - Complete Mosiah 14-16
(Mosiah 14-16)

Day 18 - Alma 34
(Alma 34)

Day 19 - D&C 19
(D&C 19)

Day 20 - D&C 76
(D&C 76)

Day 21 - Complete D&C 76
(D&C 76)

Day 22 - “A Testimony of the Son of God,” Elder Gordon B. Hinckley

Day 23 - “Missionary Work and the Atonement,” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Day 24 - “The Purifying Power of Gethsemane,” Elder Bruce R. McConkie

Day 25 - “Apply the Atoning Blood of Christ,” Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Day 26 - Messages on the Atonement, President Thomas S. Monson

Day 27 - “In the Strength of the Lord,” Elder David A. Bednar

Day 28 - “None Were With Him,” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Monday, June 2, 2014

Personal Revelation

I found out on Sunday 3 weeks ago I needed to make a decision. I decided to ask Heavenly Father. I prayed about it Sunday night before I went to bed. I prayed and pondered about it Monday morning while I commuted to work. I pondered about it while at work and once again coming home from work. Tuesday I done the same thing. Pondering and praying about it while driving to work. This time it was different. I had a small simple thought I almost passed over because it was so simple. I thought about it while I was working and decided to act on that prompting. After I got home and before I went to bed, I read my patriarchal blessing due to that simple thought/prompting while driving to work of "read your patriarchal blessing". I thought that maybe since it had been a few weeks since I had read it, it had just crossed my mind. Nope. I was wrong. Wednesday passed by and I made my decision while driving to work. All because of a simple prompting. It was not a typical answer of yes or no, but an answer of "read your patriarchal blessing". In my blessing I already had the answer to my question and just needed a simple reminder of that answer and personal revelation Heavenly Father gave me when I got my patriarchal blessing. No its not the answer I was expecting, but I am grateful for the answer anyways.
Now that some time has passed (3 weeks isn't long, but it has been long enough for me to ponder on personal revelation a little more) I am able to look back and think about the whole experience and personal revelation in general. I have learned a few things in the process.
1) Take all problems and questions to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They really do know what they are doing. Even though the answer I got was not what I wanted, the answer I did get has allowed me a deeper understanding of my patriarch blessing and a glimmer of hope to hold onto until that part of my blessing is fulfilled.
2) There is more ways to say no then no. My question I had was "Is it time for me to take out my endowments?" my answer was "read your patriarchal blessing". Now, I have to say, not all answers come that quickly. I did not expect an answer so quickly. It surprised me actually. My answer was really a "not yet but you will go through someday soon. Dont give up."
3) Sometimes the Lord just has to bring to remembrance things we already know. As soon as I had the thought "read your patriarchal blessing", I knew what my answer was because I read my patriarchal often enough when I am going though a trial and when I have that thought, I can see exactly in my minds eye what part of my patriarchal blessing is sticking out and is an answer to my question.
4) Heavenly Father still blesses His children no matter their choices/decisions. Lately I haven't been the greatest at daily prayer and scripture study and I haven't felt like I should get an answer that fast due to my knowledge of all the scriptures that say (and I am paraphrasing here) "if you are slow to remember the lord the lord is slow to remember you". I knew it would take some time to get an answer because I have been slow to remember and stay close to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father did answer my pray and question and so quickly.
5) Heavenly Father and Jesus really are aware of me, my struggles, my desires, and they know me better then i know myself. How cool is that? Think of it this way, have you ever saw something at the store and a person instantly pops into your mind with a thought similar to "if so-and-so saw this they would flip out!?!" In that instant, you know that person so well, you just know they would LOVE it. Heavenly Father and Jesus know that with each and every single person/individual on earth in the past, right now, and all who will come on earth in the future.
Dont give up hope. Life does get better. Heavenly Father and Jesus loves you and wants to bless you.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 2014 General Conference - speakers and talks (includes Womens Conference)

Here is a list of the sessions, speakers, and the title of their talks. To read, watch, or listen to General Conference you can click HERE (april 2014). If you have any questions please comment or visit www.lds.org or www.mormon.org. I will try to answer any questions to the best of my knowledge.

General Womens Conference
Rosemary M. Wixom -Keeping Covenants Protects Us, Prepares Us, and Empowers Us.
Video Presentation -I am a Child of God
Bonnie L. Oscarson - Sisterhood: Oh, How We Need Each Other
Video Presentation -Walk In His Light
Linda K. Burton - Wanted: Hands And Hearts to Hasten The Work
President Henry B. Eyring - Daughters In The Covenant

Saturday Morning Session
President Thomas S. Monson - Welcome to Conference
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland - The Cost - And Blessings - Of Discipleship
Elder Ronald A. Rasband - The Joyful Burden of Discipleship
Elder Carlos H. Amado - Christ The Redeemer
Linda S. Reeves - Protection from Pronography- a Christ - Focused Home
Elder Neil L. Andersen - Spiritual Whirlwinds
President Henry B. Eyring - A Priceless Heritage of Hope.

Saturday Afternoon Session
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf - Sustaining of Church Officers
Kevin R. Jergensen - Church Auditing Department Report 2013
Brook P. Hales - Statistical Report, 2013
Elder Russell M. Nelson - Let Your Faith Show
Elder Richard G. Scott - "I Have Given You an Example"
Elder Robert D. Hales - "If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments"
Elder Claudio D. Zivic - Lets Not Take The Wrong Way
Elder W. Craig Zwick - What Are You Thinking?
Elder Quentin L. Cook - Roots And Branches

Priesthood Session
Elder Dallin H. Oaks - The Keys And Authority of The Priesthood
Elder Donald L. Hallstrom - What Manner of Men?
Elder Randall L. Ridd - The Choice Generation
President Dieter F. Uchdorf - Are You Sleeping Through The Restoration?
President Henry B. Eyring - The Priesthood Man
President Thomas S. Monson - Be Strong And Of Good Courage

Sunday Morning Session
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf - Grateful In Any Circumstance
Elder M. Russell Ballard - Following Up
Jean A. Stevens - "Fear Not; I Am With Thee"
Bishop Gary E. Stevenson -  Your Four Minutes
Elder David A. Bednar - Bear Up Their Burdens With Ease
President Thomas S. Monson - Love-The Essential Of The Gospel

Saturday Afternoon Session
Elder Boyd K. Packer - The Witness
Elder William R. Walker - Live True To The Faith
Elder L. Tom Perry - Obedience Through Our Faithfulness
Elder Lawrence E. Corbridge - The Prophet Joseph Smith
Elder Michael John U. Teh - Where Your Treasure Is
Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis - If You Lack Wisdom
Elder D. Todd Christofferson - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
President Thomas S. Monson - Until We Meet Again

Spiritual Revelation

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the Spirit. It is really amazing when I get a prompting or personal revelation. A couple months ago, I was sitting in Sacrament meeting watching the young men lining up to return the bread and get ready to pass the water and I had a REALLY REALLY strong impression/thought from the Spirit. It has given me a  renewed hope to continue to do my best to prepare for that time when I will be able to enter the temple to be sealed to my husband for time AND eternity. I have no doubt that I will be married and when I feel like that time will never come, i just think of that thought/impression the Spirit told me and it gives me the faith to continue to go forward. I just want to say that if you have doubts about ANYTHING, just find some time to spend free of distractions, INCLUDING technology and read the scriptures and pray for a renewed sense of hope to give you faith to continue to go forward. It will be so worth it in the end to just hold on a little longer. :) dont give up. 

Monday, March 10, 2014


wisdom:"the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgement asto action; sagacity, discernment, or insight" and "the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, commonsense, and insight." (www.dictionary.com)
Under Wisdom in the Topical Guide is listed (to see): discernment, spiritual; education; God, intelligence of; God, omniscience of; God, wisdom of; Holy Ghost, gifts of; Intelligence; Knowledge; Learn; Prudence; Understanding; Wise.

Both the worlds and Gods definition is pretty similar but no matter who's definition you go by, wisdom is basically using judgement to make a decision, (preferably just judgement). Wisdom is something that i think is getting less and less but I believe and know, if you rely on God as you make every decision, you will be wise in each decision. Wisdom is different for each person and that is why I believe there is a lot of contention in the world today. In 3 Nephi 11:29 it says "...he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil,..." Since we are told contention is of the devil, then it is very important to use wisdom in each and EVERY decision we make in life. We need wisdom is choosing a school to go to college. We need wisdom in choosing who to date and eventually marry. We need wisdom is politics and who we choose to lead us locally and nationally. We need wisdom to try and see the whole picture and not just each day. We need wisdom to be able to forgive those around us. We need wisdom in raising children (whether married or single. Whether you have a family of your own or when you watch other children).  If we do not have wisdom, we have nothing.

Friday, January 24, 2014

New Goals

I have made a few new goals this year based on how i done last year. Some of my goals this year are:

  • Read or listen to the scriptures at least Monday to Saturday. 
    • This I will do by listening to the Book of Mormon every other day and the New Testament the other days at least one way driving to or from work.
  • Sundays will be various material such as my patriarchal blessing, Ensign, conference talks, etc.
  • Pray at least every night before bed. I am also trying to work on doing my morning prayers as well.
  • Complain less and be more grateful.
    • I will do this by keeping a gratitude journal and keep a  couple of challenges given to me by a friend to: 
      • "Challenge number 1: for every complaint you think of whether it is in your head or if you speak it out. Write down 3 things you are grateful for. Here's the rule, even when you run out of things never DOUBLE UP!! No more gossip, all it does is damage yourself and other people. 
      • Challenge number 2: look to see the whole picture before you act on something."
  • Write at least every other day in my personal journal and my other journal (not gratitude or personal) on the opposite days of my personal journal. (yes, i do keep three journals and they are all very important to me and my future)
  • Put money away in savings each week, (its super easy, click (HERE!!!!!) Itsn't it stinkin' easy?!?)
These are my main goals this year. Yes I plan on keeping the commandments, laws, and ordinances of Heavenly Father as well, but I need to also keep doing the little things such as my goals. If I don't get in the habit now, while single, to read and pray daily as well as keep a journal, how can I expect my children to follow my example when that time comes? How can I expect my husband when I get married to do those things if I do not do them myself consistently?