About Me

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was baptized when i was 10, married my husband a last year and gained two bonus daughters. I am greatly blessed to be their bonus mom. I am trying to be a good wife and mom while trying to live the best life the Lord has for me.

Friday, January 24, 2014

New Goals

I have made a few new goals this year based on how i done last year. Some of my goals this year are:

  • Read or listen to the scriptures at least Monday to Saturday. 
    • This I will do by listening to the Book of Mormon every other day and the New Testament the other days at least one way driving to or from work.
  • Sundays will be various material such as my patriarchal blessing, Ensign, conference talks, etc.
  • Pray at least every night before bed. I am also trying to work on doing my morning prayers as well.
  • Complain less and be more grateful.
    • I will do this by keeping a gratitude journal and keep a  couple of challenges given to me by a friend to: 
      • "Challenge number 1: for every complaint you think of whether it is in your head or if you speak it out. Write down 3 things you are grateful for. Here's the rule, even when you run out of things never DOUBLE UP!! No more gossip, all it does is damage yourself and other people. 
      • Challenge number 2: look to see the whole picture before you act on something."
  • Write at least every other day in my personal journal and my other journal (not gratitude or personal) on the opposite days of my personal journal. (yes, i do keep three journals and they are all very important to me and my future)
  • Put money away in savings each week, (its super easy, click (HERE!!!!!) Itsn't it stinkin' easy?!?)
These are my main goals this year. Yes I plan on keeping the commandments, laws, and ordinances of Heavenly Father as well, but I need to also keep doing the little things such as my goals. If I don't get in the habit now, while single, to read and pray daily as well as keep a journal, how can I expect my children to follow my example when that time comes? How can I expect my husband when I get married to do those things if I do not do them myself consistently?