About Me

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was baptized when i was 10, married my husband a last year and gained two bonus daughters. I am greatly blessed to be their bonus mom. I am trying to be a good wife and mom while trying to live the best life the Lord has for me.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Priesthood Blessings

Julie B. Beck, An Outpouring of Blesssings, May 2006 Ensign
I saw the power of priesthood blessings when I visited a family where the young father lay dying. Surrounding him were his wife and beautiful daughters. On each wall of that room was at least one picture of the family or the temple. The mother testified of their blessings when she said: “We are empowered and protected by our covenants. Our family will endure forever. The Lord is watching over us, and we are not alone.” All faithful members are equally blessed by the outpouring of blessings they receive through priesthood ordinances.(emphasis added)
Because the priesthood has been restored, we also share equally in the blessings of spiritual gifts. The Lord gives us these gifts for our own benefit 10 and to help each other. 11
Moroni said that “there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.
“For behold, to one is given by the Spirit of God, that he may teach the word of wisdom;
“And to another, that he may teach the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
“And to another, exceedingly great faith; and to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit.” 12 

I know the priesthood is true. I have been blessed many times by the power of the priesthood. I have woken up sick in the middle of the night and asked my father for a priesthood blessing and I can testify, they work. It is the power of God on the earth today. It is real. If you dont have a priesthood holder in your home, please talk to your hometeachers or a brother in the ward and ask them. By you asking them for a blessing, you allow them to fulfill that priesthood responsibility. Dont worry about what time it is. I have often asked my dad for a blessing around 1-3am when i am sick and unable to get any sleep what so ever. When you need advice or guidance from the Lord, ask a worthy priesthood holder for a blessing. When you comfort, ask a worthy priesthood holder for a blessing, when you are sick as a worthy priesthood holder for a blessing. Great power comes into your life as you allow the priesthood into your life. If you hold the priesthood, make sure the people you hometeach know that you are available to give them a blessing if they need one.When my dad is out of town due to work, she calls our hometeachers and they are more then willing to give of their time, are you? Let the sisters of the Church know that you are ready and willing to answer the call when the time arises.     Honor your priesthood. It is a gift from God. You hold his power. Always be worthy to hold his power.

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