About Me

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was baptized when i was 10, married my husband a last year and gained two bonus daughters. I am greatly blessed to be their bonus mom. I am trying to be a good wife and mom while trying to live the best life the Lord has for me.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Strength of the Family

here is a quote about the strength of the family and why a family with a mother and father working together is important. I understand that there are circumstances that prevent that from happening but in that case others should and must be willing to help out that family.

"The strength of any community lies in the strength of its families. The strength of any nation lies in the strength of its families. Strong family life comes of strong and clear religious understanding of who we are, and why we are here, and of what we may eternally become. Strong family life comes of the perception that each of us is a child of God, born with a divine birthright, and with a great and significant potential. Strong family life comes of parents who love and respect one another, and who love and respect and nurture their children in the ways of the Lord. These are undergirding principles of our teachings as a church. To the degree that we observe these teachings we build strong families whose generations will strengthen the nation."
--Gordon B. Hinckley, "Mormon Should Mean More Good", Ensign, Nov. 1990, 51

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