1st councilor Silvia H. Allred talked about charity. 2nd councilor Barbara Thompson talked about cleaving to your covenants. 2nd councilor in the first presidency, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf used an analogy of the 5 petals on a forget-me-not.
- Forget not to be patient with yourself.
- Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a not so good sacrifice.
- Forget not to be happy NOW.
- Forget not the WHY of the gospel.
- Forget not the Lord loves you.
"Much of the major growth that is coming to the Church in the last days will come because many of the good women of the world (in whom there is often such an inner sense of spirituality) will be drawn to the Church in large numbers. This will happen to the degree that the women of the Church reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives and to the degree that the women of the Church are seen as distinct and different -- in happy ways -- from the women of the world." Spencer W. Kimball
I know that what Sisters Beck, Allred, & Thompson, and President Uchtdorf have said and testified of is true. There is no doubt in my mind that what they say is not of God. If you dont know, then I challenge you to find out for your self. Get down on your knees and ask Heavenly Father if it is true and I promise you that he will answer your prayers. It may not be in the time or way you want or would like it to be in, but I promise he will answer you.
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